The choice of food has a big impact on personal bodyweight - this can be positive or negative. The consumption of certain foods - especially those of finished products - can quickly promote weight gain. EAT SMARTER has put together nine foods that you should avoid while on a diet.
1. White bread In order not to negatively affect weight loss success, certain foods should be removed from the daily menu. This includes white bread, among other things: in contrast to the whole grain variant, white flour contains less fiber, which is why the starch in the digestive tract is split faster and the sugar is immediately transferred to the blood. Although this provides energy quickly, it also leads to fluctuating blood sugar levels and a faster recurring feeling of hunger. In addition, many white pieces of bread from the supermarket contain a high proportion of added sugar, which means that "hidden" extra calories are absorbed. From this point of view, the white bread justifies its reputation as a " fat maker "
2. Frittiertes Boiled potatoes are extremely healthy: they provide low calories, high-quality protein, and complex carbohydrates, which lead to long-lasting satiety. However, if the tubers are prepared with a lot of fat, such as deep-fried, the health-promoting effect is gone! Because of their high-fat content, french fries and chips provide lots of calories and, to make matters worse, are usually eaten in large quantities. In long-term studies, lovers of fried products showed a higher affinity for being overweight than was the case with people who rarely enjoyed chips and chips
3. Fruit juice drink A fruit juice drink in the morning provides vitamins, minerals, and energy for the day - so the widespread assumption. The fact is, however, that fruit juice drinks from the supermarket usually have little in common with the actual fruit: they are heavily processed and, if necessary, packed with sugar. The sugar content of the juices can often be equated with that of lemonade. Unlike a whole piece of fruit, fruit juice drinks contain less fiber and make chewing unnecessary. Both factors do not result in long satiety and thus promote rapid hunger. In addition, a much larger amount of the drink can be consumed in a shorter time than would be the case with a whole piece of fruit, for example. The result is increased calorie intake and this should actually be avoided when losing weight.
5. Pastries Biscuits, cakes, and the like are indispensable for a coffee party. But for those who would like to lose a few pounds, these sweets are taboo: added sugar and refined flour are usually the main ingredients - just like artificial trans fatty acids.
These have a negative impact on health, for example, increase the "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis. The high-calorie treats contain no ingredients that contribute to long-lasting satiety. If they are eaten, a great feeling of hunger reappears shortly afterward ( 6. Ice cream The consistency: creamy, the taste: great, the calorie balance: devastating! Anyone who goes for conventional ice cream from the supermarket chooses a true sugar bomb. If you feel like creamy ice cream, you should definitely try this alternative: the low-fat curd ice cream! It is fruity, low in fat, high in protein and can be prepared with the favorite fruits of the season. When preparing, it is only important to use frozen fruit, because this is the only way to achieve an "icy" consistency. The low-fat curd ice cream can also be refined with a dash of honey, lemon juice, or aromatic basil.
7. Softdrinks They are advertised as refreshing drinks, but behind the colorful packaging, there are liquid calorie bombs! Cola, lemonade, and Co. are largely related to obesity and obesity. If the soft drinks are drunk regularly and in large quantities, other health problems such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure may also occur.
8. Pizza Crunchy ground, crispy vegetables, and freshly grated cheese - if you make your own pizza at home, you know what ingredients you have used. However, if the ready-made pizza is bought in the supermarket, it usually contains refined flour, sugar, and heavily processed meat. Those who want to lose weight should, therefore, avoid the high-calorie ready-made pizza. A good alternative is pizzas with a dough made from wholemeal flour or cauliflower. They provide important nutrients, fill you up for a long time and lead to a stable blood sugar level.
9. Coffee specialties While coffee in its natural form contains health-promoting substances and, thanks to its caffeine content, stimulates metabolism, ingredients such as syrup, cream, and Co. have no positive effects. Coffee specialties quickly reach the calorie content of the main meal - but are usually "only" enjoyed as a drink in between and thus become a calorie trap.